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poor people help trust It is a great opportunity to introduce Poor People Help Trust (PPHT) which is a Social development, relief and advocacy organization registered in Rajasthan as a charitable trust in 1959. We are committed to the Millennium development goals. Our vision is to create a just, equal and peaceful society where everybody shares and cares for the poor, unprivileged and exploited people and make the world a better place to live in. Its priorities and objectives are to carry out charitable, holistic and sustainable development work among the poor, marginalized, downtrodden, illiterate, vulnerable and the exploited ones, irrespective of their caste, creed, color, sex or religion. It has completed 21 years of determined social development service in 2001


President Message

poor people help trust It is a great opportunity to introduce Poor People Help Trust (PPHT) which is a Social development


Our Objective

Our mission

Our history

Financial Support

Health is wealth

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